Source for Business is a trading name of Pennon Water Services Ltd (PWS). We're a water and wastewater retailer who provide billing, meter reading, water efficiency and customer support services for businesses in the UK.

More information  Who is my wholesaler?

At Source for Business, we're committed to exceptional service. However, if you are ever dissatisfied and wish to complain, we want to hear from you. Our Customer Promise guides you through our complaints process.

We take complaints seriously. Our investigation may require a site visit or a request for more information from yourself to help us gain a better understanding of the issue.

Our goal is to resolve your complaint to your satisfaction. To achieve this, we offer the following solutions:

  • An apology: we acknowledge the importance of taking responsibility for any shortcomings and express our sincere apologies for any inconveniences caused.

  • An explanation: we believe in transparency. We will provide a clear and detailed explanation of the factors that contributed to the issue at hand and our proposed resolution.

  • Remedial action: we take swift action to rectify the problem to the best of our ability. Our dedicated team will implement necessary measures to prevent a recurrence.

  • Compensation: if remedial action alone is insufficient or not possible, we are committed to finding a fair resolution. We will consider appropriate compensation options to address any inconvenience or dissatisfaction caused.

To make a complaint, call our team on 0330 123 0205, email or write to Source for Business, PO Box 9136, Bournemouth, BH11 0GF.

We value your feedback, and your satisfaction is our top priority. Together, we can address any concerns and work towards continuously improving our services. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any complaints or feedback. We’re here to listen when things don’t work out as expected.

If you’re not satisfied with our resolution or if your complaint is over eight weeks old, the Consumer Council for Water offers free independent advice. You can call them on 0300 034 2222 or use their online form.

SFB complaint  Wholesaler complaint

We've helped all kinds of businesses save money on their bills through two different methods:

Reduction of Water Rates

Have you signed up to a contract for your water rates? if not, you may be missing out on reduced rates. Signing up to a one, three or five year contract with Source for Business has many benefits:

  • Fixing your retail tariff for up to five years will protect you against inflation and you'll also benefit from loyalty discounts.
  • By signing up, your rates will immediately change, which means you'll be saving money straight away.
  • If you have multiple properties, you can combine them all and receive one, simple to understand bill rather than separate bills for each premises.
  • We will only charge you for the services you use when you have used them, there are no upfront payments

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Value Added Services

We're not like other retailers, we don't just care about how much water you use - we like to understand how you use it. We have a tailored set of value added services that can help you to understand how you use your water, reduce your overall consumption, enhance your infrastructure to be more energy and water efficient and protect your business from supply interruptions.

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To ensure that you always receive the very best service from us, our performance must reach standards which are imposed by various bodies, listed below. All the UK’s water retailers are subject to their regulations and enforcements.


Ofwat (The Water Services Regulation Authority) is the economic regulator
of the water and sewerage sectors in England and Wales responsible for
ensuring the companies provide good-quality, efficient services at a fair price.

Ofwat takes a leading role in reviewing our prices.

Ofwat logo

Consumer Council for Water

The Consumer Council for Water represents customers’ interests relating to price, service and value for money. It also investigates customer complaints
about water quality.

CCW logo

Environment Agency

The Environment Agency is an Executive non-departmental public body
responsible to the Defra Secretary of State; it decides how much water can be drawn from the environment - plus it sets and enforces standards for the treated wastewater returned to rivers and the sea

Environment Agency logo