Moving in

Supply details

VAT (Value Added Tax) is normally only payable if the business is involved in one of the following industries: Chemicals, Construction, Engineering, Manufacturing, Mining, Textiles or Utilities

Customer details

Please include: Name, phone number and email address (if different to above)
If tenant/lease/Estate agent/other selected above
If tenant/lease/Estate agent/other selected above

Move details

If you answered yes to the above, you will need to complete a move out form for the existing address as well as this one.

if you do not provide a meter reading, we will estimate your bill based on previous consumption. This consumption will be based on the previous occupier and may not accurately reflect your consumption. If you are unable to locate your meter please call us on 0344 406 8053.

If the property is not on a meter, we will not be aware that there is no water being used and will send you a rateable value bill for the year. If the property is going to be vacant for some time it may be worth having the supply disconnected.